Found a Bell? Tell us about it!
We want to honor those in the Greater Tucson community who inspire kindness daily, making our communities a better place to live.
Whether it’s your grocer, your child’s crossing guard, a co-worker, or a youth who is making a difference in our community through kindness, we would like to celebrate their kindness by “Belling” them – presenting them with a Ben’s Bell and gift pack.
If you know someone who inspires kindness within the community, nominate them for a Ben’s Bell. And remember, expressing gratitude is an act of kindness, so thank you!
Each Friday, 94.9 MIXfm will announce our “Bellee,” and the story of their kindness will also run in the Arizona Daily Star on Tuesday.
Most Recent Bellee

Simone Horness
Nominate a Bellee
Once complete, your submission will be sent to our volunteer Belling Selection Committee, which is comprised of a diverse group of community members (none of whom work for Ben’s Bells or serve on our volunteer Board of Directors). If your nominee is chosen, you will be contacted by Ben’s Bells to select a time and location for the Belling. Nominees who are not selected will receive a card letting them know they were nominated and thanking them for sharing their kindness with our community. In order to give every nomination proper consideration, the process typically requires 8-10 weeks. Thank you for taking the time to nominate a potential recipient and for believing in the power of kindness!
*All nominees must reside in the Greater Tucson area.
**A nomination doesn’t guarantee a Belling – nominations are given to an independent committee for review and one “Bellee” is chosen each week.