Gentle Ben’s Bells Burger and Brew
Gentle Ben’s: 865 E University Blvd, 85719
Fundraiser Details:
This summer Ben’s Bells will be teaming up with Gentle Ben’s to help raise money for supporting kindness in our local community. We’re so grateful for these community partnerships that help fund our open art studio and kindness education programs. Stop by Gentle Ben’s any time through August 31st and they will generously donate $3 per burger and $2 per beer for the rest of summer. Bring your friends or family and join us for a summer of kindness!
*Remember to order our delicious Ben’s Bells burger and Ben’s Bells Beer (Motorsonora foglights) to ensure your contribution to our organization.


Ben's Bells • 40 W Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85701 • Tax ID: 76-0779755
Copyright © 2024 Ben's Bells, Inc. All Rights Reserved