Kind Campus
Join the hundreds of schools that are changing their campuses with this free program!
“As the School Counselor, it has been wonderful to hear less about who is being mean to whom, and instead to hear students feeling great because they were kind to someone else who needed help. Talking about how to be kind is now a popular topic for our students. It is cool to be kind at our school right now!”
Elementary School
Tucson, AZ
Kind Campus is an innovative, school-based program that educates students, faculty, and staff about the benefits of kindness, and then empowers them to create a culture of kindness in their school and beyond. Participating schools receive access to all of our free Kind Campus program materials with easy-to-incorporate ideas and content designed to be highly adaptable to different ages and needs.
Kind Campus aims to increase kind behavior by educating about the benefits of kindness, looking at the influence that kind role models have on our choices, and making kind behavior easier through skill development and removing barriers. Schools can foster an environment where kind behavior is understood, valued, and easily practiced, leading to a more positive and supportive school community.
Kind Campus focuses on students in Pre-K through High School, and includes materials designed to support the faculty and administrators who guide students through their education. Participants are free to use the resources that work best for their classrooms or campuses. Kind Campus tools can also be used to support or enhance other programs being implemented on campus.
What’s Included?
- Access to the Kind Campus website hosting all program materials
- Themed Monthly Guides, Kindness Quote Posters, Tools for Kindness, and more
- Weekly emails delivering the program in manageable chunks that help you easily keep kindness active
- Areas of focus: Ready for Kindness, Kindness Influencers, Skills for Kindness, and Self-kindness
- Program Support from Ben’s Bells staff
- Opportunities to connect with other Kind Campus schools
- 20% discount on Shop merchandise to support the program on your campus
Sample Materials
Kind Campus materials are provided free of charge. For access to our kindness education materials, we ask you to register your school for the program each year. By providing information about your school, we can work together to see how kindness is impacting our schools and communities, and learn how we might improve our program materials.
Research Partnership
The Ben’s Bells’ partnership with the Community Research, Evaluation & Development (CRED) team at the University of Arizona began when CRED, intrigued by the momentum of Ben’s Bells programming, became interested in studying the mechanisms of kindness programming and of kindness itself. How does kindness programming work? How can the kindness of a person, a school, or a business be measured? What effects does kindness have on our health and happiness, our relationships, and our community? The body of scientific research demonstrating the physical and mental health benefits of practicing intentional kindness, gratitude, and self-compassion is rapidly growing. Through our partnership, we see an opportunity to connect this evidence with community-based and school-based efforts to discover the impacts of intentional kindness.
Our program of kindness education research is guided by researchers but driven by educators, school-based professionals, and youth. We have had the opportunity to hear from numerous educators and students about how the Kind Campus program is being used in schools across the country. The UArizona team has begun to develop measures of kindness and to gather data that can help improve kindness education programming. More than 250 students, educators, and school administrators have contributed valuable input into building this foundation from which we can further the science of kindness. We have also worked to understand the concept of “kind discipline,” asking partners to envision how the principles of kindness could transform the disciplinary processes in school.
Our long-range goal is to work together to develop Ben’s Bells programming into empirically-based, nationally-recognized interventions, improving well-being in our schools and communities and providing opportunities for translational research. We are also committed to building the evaluation capacity of Ben’s Bells and Kind Campus schools. We envision a partnership that extends beyond the offices of the Ben’s Bells and the campus of the University of Arizona. Building the science of kindness isn’t something that can be accomplished by researchers alone in a lab: it is a process that we believe requires the wisdom and effort of an entire community. For more information about our current work, please explore the links below.
Kind discipline: Developing a conceptual model of a promising school discipline approach
Michele Walsh Ph.D., Associate Research Professor and CRED Team Lead
Deirdre (DeeDee) Avery, M.S., MPH, Evaluation Specialist
John Daws, Ph.D., Research Scientist
Madeleine deBlois, M.Ed, Sc.D., Research Scientist
Violeta Dominguez, M.A., Research Scientist
Rachel Leih, Research Specialist
Kara Tanoue, B.A., Research Specialist
History of Kind Campus
Kind Campus (formerly known as Kind Kids) began in 2007 in four elementary schools in Tucson, Arizona. It has since experienced exciting growth, and has been adopted by over 500 schools, involving hundreds of thousands of students across the US and worldwide! This includes over 240 schools in Southern Arizona, 60 schools in the metropolitan Phoenix area, 120 schools in Connecticut and New York, and 94 schools in other locations in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Australia.
Register School
Thank you for your interest in the Ben’s Bells Kind Campus Program! Please click the REGISTER button below and fill out the information about your school for the 2024-2025 school year. After you’ve registered, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the link to access the website hosting all Kind Campus materials.
A few notes regarding registration:
- SAVE THE LINK! There’s no log-in necessary, simply use the link provided to access the materials throughout the year.
- Feel free to share the link with others at your school. Those at a different school will need to register their school for the current year.
- If you’re registering as a family or other group, please put “N/A” for questions asking for school information.
With questions or for more information, please contact us at kindcampus@bensbells.org or 520-622-1379, ext. 1004

Ben's Bells • 40 W Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85701 • Tax ID: 76-0779755
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