
Supporting Cancer Patients and Their Families

Meet Ashley Timmons, this week’s Ben’s Bells Project #Bellee! Elizabeth Houston-Judd nominated Ashley for her efforts supporting cancer patients and their families.
Ashley has been through some tough times and is using her grief to help lift others’ spirit. Ashely has three amazing children, Alex, Andrew, and Axel who will be forever 4 and the inspiration for her giving. Ashley stayed day and night with Axel when he was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma. She sat by his side through every treatment and held him as she said goodbye on March 13, 2018.
Ashley decided to use the memory of Axel to bring joy and kindness. She has raised funds to donate a buddy bench to Wheeler Elementary. Through hard work, she has been able to collect books that she puts together for kids that are in the cancer unit at local hospitals. She creates personal art for kids that are diagnosed and delivers them free of charge. She has been responsible for helping support families in the cancer unit by paying bills they need support with. She also helps support other local cancer groups in Tucson.
She does all of this without ever expecting anything in return. She is a light in this world that we need during these dark times and I am proud to say I know her.

If you know someone who inspires kindness within the Greater Tucson, Phoenix, or Connecticut community, nominate them for a Ben’s Bell!