Tools for Kindness
The tools, crafts, and other activities on this page are ways to engage with our educational programming and support your kindness practice. Use these resources in your home, classroom, workplace, club/group, or elsewhere, and enjoy!
Power of Kindness
Visit these guides to learn more about some of our most popular tools, offering activity ideas, info on the science and benefits of kindness, and much more.
Show the world how many acts of kindness you can do. Our Be Kind Challenge can be done from anywhere and is a motivator that helps us do kindness even better.
Phone Backgrounds
Download these kind backgrounds to use as the background on your phone.

Floral Ben’s Bell

Ben’s Bells Ornaments

Be Kind World

Zoom Backgrounds
Download these backgrounds to use on your next video call. Click here if you need assistance setting up your virtual background.

Be Kind Bench – Download and Save

Kindness Beads – Download and Save

Yellow Ben’s Bells – Download and Save

Floral Bench – Download and Save
Kind Notes
Kind Notes, Thank You Notes, and other Notes are a quick and easy way to practice kindness. Write a note to a friend, family member, or anyone in the community that you want to celebrate, thank, or encourage. Learn more HERE.
Community partner information sheets
Kindness empowers us to step up and have challenging and vulnerable conversations that may ultimately create more connected communities. Our education programs include information sheets from community partners that provide advice about the ways kindness can be utilized to create positive social change. With this information, participants may lead others through challenging conversations and think about how kindness can be a productive and welcoming framework to address issues of identity, inclusion, equity, and justice.
To view our Master Reference List of sources including scholarly articles, research studies, videos, and more please click HERE.